Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Interested in becoming a client... START HERE

Thinning Down Chicks

****980-241-7695 ****


Congratulations on your decision to embark on a weight loss journey. You’re starting this program because you’re ready for a change. Whatever goal you bring to the table I will do my best to help you achieve it.

First, let me say that I am NOT a doctor so if you have any special nutritional needs or concerns please let me know before we begin your diet program. If you are menopausal, breast feeding or trying to get pregnant let me know that as well. I am a Nutrition Professional specializing in healthy and permanent weight loss. I am also a certified Personal Trainer with a passion for healthy cooking. I counsel clients that range those wanting to drop 10 pounds to those wanting to lose over 100 pounds and I also work with male and female clients who are training for figure/fitness competitions.

I began an obsession with food and weight loss around the age of 12, I‘ve read every book I could get my hands on about health, nutrition, weight loss, muscle building, aerobics, etc, etc. If it had to do with the health field, I‘ve probably read it or tried it. I have worked as a personal trainer and nutrition consultant for a few different weight loss companies as well as moderated several women fitness forums online. I do believe most diets work but in my experience most people under eat which leads to over eating which leads to the diet failing or the person giving up. I’m constantly learning and reading new things so I can promise you that the plan I put you on combines the best principles of every weight loss regimen I’ve ever read about along with good food because face it- if you don‘t like what you‘re eating you aren‘t going to stick with it very long!! The key to improved health and weight loss is very simple- a healthy diet and exercise routine. People know what to do; however sticking to a program with any sort of consistency is where people have problems. That’s why I feel this program works. The food is good and you have ACCOUNTABILITY, which is a very important part of any program, especially a weight loss one.

Basically, what I do is teach you to eat healthy food that you actually like and look forward to. Now, I can guarantee you that this program won’t end up on an infomercial or find its way to the Wal-Mart diet pill aisle. There are no gimmicks here. If you’re looking for a quick fix- look elsewhere. There’s no funny food that you’ll have to buy. It’s not a gimmick, it’s a lifestyle. Fad diets don’t work. You’re not going to unlock your inner skinny self in the next 30 days. You are however going to be able to completely transform your health and your relationship with food. I tell you what to eat everyday for every meal. You WILL lose weight at a healthy pace, which is important. AND you will learn how to KEEP it off. I take the confusion out of weight loss; I eliminate the second guessing and the dreadful question that we hear every night… “What’s for dinner??”

Each week I track your calories, carbohydrate, soluble and insoluble fiber, protein (soy, whey & casein counts) poly, mono and unsaturated fat counts. Yes, confusing. But, it’s really a simple science. Your body will respond wonderfully when all of those things are exactly where they need to be. It may take me a week or two to get your levels where they should be for optimal weight loss but rest assured it will happen. I will have you weigh yourself first thing in the morning on an empty stomach on Monday, Wednesday & Friday and you will need to text me or email me your weight, this is NON negotiable. I track your weight loss week to week, not day to day.

The only thing I ask of my clients is for them to be honest with me. We will talk A LOT. Sometimes you won’t like what I have to say but I can assure you you’ll always get the honest answer from me. As long as you are honest about what you are eating then your weight loss will be a great experience. I also ask that you do not share your weight loss plans. I put a lot of time and effort into each persons’ individual menu plan and I charge a very reasonable fee so please do not share your program with other people.

The decision to lose weight is a big one and I’m glad you have chosen me to help you on this journey. I look forward to working with you J

Sincerely… Andrea Marriott


Some common questions & concerns:

Will I lose weight every time I weigh in?

No. If you do happen to be a genetic super hero & are able to do that then consider yourself lucky. But, on average you will lose 1-2 pounds per week.

What if I mess up and eat something that’s not on my menu?

Everyone messes up sometimes, just call me and we’ll fix it!

What if I don’t like something on my menu?

Just tell me and I can change it.

Does it work?

Anybody can lose weight following this; it just depends on how honest you are with me and with yourself. If you eat what I tell you to you WILL lose weight, I can promise that. If you aren’t ready to be serious with yourself or me, then you are probably just wasting your money and my time.

What kind of kitchen essentials do I need?

You will use the following: measuring cups, food scale, blender, mini food processor, measuring spoons, standard pans & casserole dishes, muffin pan & George Foreman Grill

How much does it cost?

There is a $20 joining fee and then the price is $15 per week thereafter for menu plans (different rates apply for personal training programs and contest prep training programs), payments can be made via paypal, cash or money orders.  You may pay for four, eight or twelve weeks at a time. 

Do I have to eat breakfast?

Yes. There’s no way around it really. If you prefer you may call it something else but you will need to eat something within two hours of waking up in the morning.

What if I don’t have time for breakfast or one of my other meals or I don‘t have time to cook?

Make time. We all have the same 24 hours in a day, if weight loss is important to you then you will make the time to go to the store and cook your food.

Do I have to eat my meals in the order you have them?

No. You can mix your meals up any way you like, but you need to follow a whole day at a time, do not swap your meals & snacks from other days, and stick to one day when you are switching things around.

Do I have to cook?

Absolutely NOT, feel free to hire your own personal chef if you wish!! LOL! Seriously though, I have two clingy kids and I make the time to cook, pick two days a week to get your meals together and cook things in advance & it will save you lots of time!

Can I call you or text you with questions or changes?

ABSOLUTLEY!! I want you to call me, take advantage of it. I want to know what you like and dislike, your opinion matters and your feedback helps me to make the changes that will best suit you and your needs.

What about when I hit my goal?

If you decide to stay on as a client once you hit your goal I offer two different maintenance programs.